Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان, Ramaḍān) is a Muslim religious observance that takes place during the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, believed to be the month in which the Qur'an began to be revealed. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which Muslims don't eat or drink anything from sunrise until sunset. Fasting is meant to teach the person patience and humility. Many scholars are of the view that competing in sports or exercise should be refrained during the daylight hours since it causes one to be more thirsty, and thus, less patient. Most people who keep fasts choose to exercise in the night after the fasts are broken.
The name "Ramadan" is the name of the 9th month; the word itself derived from an Arabic word for intense heat, scorched ground, and shortness of rations. It is considered the most venerated and blessed month of the Islamic year. Prayers, sawm (fasting), charity, and self-accountability are especially stressed at this time; religious observances associated with Ramadan are kept throughout the month.
Laylat al-Qadr, which falls during the last third, commemorates the revelation of the first verses of the Qur'an and is considered the most holy night of the year. Ramadan ends with the holiday Eid ul-Fitr, on which feasts are held. During the month following Ramadan, called Shawwal, Muslims are encouraged to fast for a further six days.
Practices during Ramadan
Main article: Sawm
The most prominent event of this month is the fasting (sawm) practiced by observant Muslims. Every day during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world get up before dawn to eat the Suhoor meal (the pre dawn meal) and perform their fajr prayer. They break their fast when the fourth prayer of the day, Maghrib (sunset), is due.
During Ramadan, Muslims are expected to put more effort into following the teachings of Islam and to avoid obscene and irreligious sights and sounds. Sexual activities during fasting hours are also forbidden.[Qur'an 2:187] Purity of both thought and action is important. The fast is intended to be an exacting act of deep personal worship in which Muslims seek a raised level of closeness to God Almighty. The act of fasting is said to redirect the heart away from worldly activities, its purpose being to cleanse the inner soul and free it from harm. Properly observing the fast is supposed to induce a comfortable feeling of peace and calm. It also allows Muslims to practice self-discipline, sacrifice, and sympathy for those who are less fortunate, intended to make Muslims more generous and charitable. Muslims can eat after the sun has set. Pregnant women, the elderly, the ill, travellers and children who have not reached puberty are all exempt from fasting as lack of food and liquid in these situations could be detrimental to health.
Prayer and reading of the Qur'an
Sultan Ahmet Mosque, Istanbul in Ramadan (the writing with lights called mahya)
Sultan Ahmet Mosque, Istanbul in Ramadan (the writing with lights called mahya)
Ramadan Lanterns, Cairo
Ramadan Lanterns, Cairo
Eid Ul-Fitr meal, Malaysia
Eid Ul-Fitr meal, Malaysia
In addition to fasting, Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Qur'an.
Sunni Muslims tend to perform the recitation of the entire Qur'an by means of special prayers, called Tarawih, which are held in the mosques every night of the month, during which a whole section of the Qur'an (juz, which is 1/30 of the Qur'an) is recited, so that by the end of the month the entire Qur'an has been completed. Tarawih is an Arabic phrase referring to those extra prayers. This prayer is performed after salah of Isha'a, but before the witr rakat. Tarawih is not practiced by Shia Muslims, as they believe it was introduced into Islam by the second Caliph, Umar ibn al-Khattab.
Muslims also pay Zakat (only applicable if one can afford it) during the month. For those who qualify to pay Zakaat, as per the Islamic Nisab (that is those whose wealth exceeds their necessities), of the leftover of their wealth earned in that Islamic calendar year. Although Zakat can be paid any time of the year, it has to be calculated on a year to year basis, and many Muslims use Ramadan as the month for calculation and disbursement.
Ramadan is also a time when Muslims are to slow down from worldly affairs and focus on self reformation, spiritual cleansing and enlightenment, establishing a link between God Almighty and themselves by prayer, supplication, charity, good deeds, kindness and helping others.
Since it is a festival of giving and sharing, Muslims prepare special foods and buy gifts for their family and friends and for giving to the poor and needy who cannot afford it, this can involve buying new clothes, shoes and other items of need. There is also a social aspect involved - the preparing of special foods and inviting people for the Iftar meal (the meal to break the Fast).
In many Muslim and non Muslim countries with large Muslim populations, markets close down in the evening to enable people to perform prayers and consume the Iftar meal (the meal to end the fast) - these markets then re-open and stay open for a good part of the night. Muslims can be seen shopping, eating, spending time with their friends and family during the evening hours.
Events of Ramadan
Laylat al-Qadr (Arabic: لیلة القدر) (known as Shab-e Qadr in Persian), literally the "Night of Decrees" or "Night of Measures", is the anniversary of two very important dates in Islam that occurred in the month of Ramadan.[citation needed] Muslims believe that it was the night of the Laylat al-Qadr that the Quran's first verse was revealed. The exact night of the Laylat al-Qadr is only known to God and Muhammed (SWS) but he chose to keep it to himself so that Muslims won't pray only that night. That is why Muhammad indicated that it was on one of the last ten nights of Ramadan.
The Islamic holiday of Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر) marks the end of the fasting period of Ramadan and the first day of the following month, after another new moon has been sighted. The Eid falls after 29 or 30 days of fasting, as per the lunar sighting. Eid ul-Fitr means the Festival of Breaking the Fast, a special celebration is made. Food is donated to the poor (‘Zakat al-Fitr’), everyone puts on their best, preferably new, clothes, and communal prayers are held in the early morning, followed by feasting and visiting relatives and friends. The prayer is two rakaahs only, and it is an optional prayer as opposed to the compulsory 5 daily prayers. According to one current school of thought (Ankaboot), it is suggested that North American Muslims arrange their work-schedule for Eid by requesting the two most likely days of Eid as Holidays or simply as days off from work. This allows for quality family time, and is akin to the Christian/North American tradition of taking Christmas and Christmas Eve off as holidays. This also allows for time off to celebrate the Eid prayer at a mosque and with family. The fast always ends after 29 or 30 days of fasting, and thus the request would be for the 29th and 30th day after the start of the fast.
Muslims are encouraged to fast six days in Shawwal, the month following Ramadan that begins after Eid ul-Fitr; these days need not be consecutive.[1] According to hadith, one who fasts the month of Ramadan and six days during Shawwal will be rewarded as though he fasted the entire year.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berkata:
”Bahwasanya Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersungguh-sungguh menghitung bulan Sya’ban melebihi kesungguhannya di selain Sya’ban. Kemudian beliau shaum setelah melihat hilal Ramadhan. (Shahih Sunan Abi Dawud hadits no. 2325, karya Asy-Syaikh Al Albani).
(Dua) Menentukan Masuknya Bulan Ramadhan Dengan Ru’yatul Hilal. Penentuan mulai masuknya bulan Ramadhan dilakukan dengan cara ru’yatul hilal, yakni melihat bulan terbit sebagai tanda dimulainya awal bulan hijriyah. Apabila terhalangi oleh mendung atau yang semisalnya, maka caranya ialah dengan melengkapkan bilangan hari dalam bulan Sya’ban menjadi 30 hari. Hal ini sesuai dengan hadits Abu Hurairah bahwa Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:
“Bershaumlah berdasarkan ru’yatul hilal dan berharirayalah berdasarkan ru’yatul hilal. Jika terhalangi oleh mendung (atau semisalnya) maka genapkanlah bilangannya menjadi 30 hari.” (HR. Al-Bukhari)
Adapun hadits lain yang diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Umar :
“…maka iika terhalangi, ‘perkirakanlah”.
makna dari kata “perkirakanlah” dalam hadits ini telah diterangkan Rasulshallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam sendiri pada hadits yang sebelumnya, yaitu;
atau yang artinya: “Maka lengkapilah bilangannya menjadi 30 hari” atau “lengkapi bilangan Sya’ban menjadi 30 hari”. (HR. Al-Bukhari)
Seiring dengan kita akan memasuki bulan Ramadhan, maka pertama tama kami sekeluarga memohon Ampunan kepada Alloh dan mohon maaf kepada seluruh kaum muslimin yang pernah kami sengaja melakukan kesalahan maupun tidak sengaja melakukan kesalahan.
bulan.gifAfwan Minkum ala Kullihal
Marhaban yaa Ramadhan Mubarokah…
Semoga kami dan kaum Muslimin bisa memasuki bulan yang Engkau Barokahi dengan hati yang suci dan bersuka cita…
Berikanlah kami Ilmu dalam menapaki Ramadhan ini…
Dan jadikannlah hati kami sedih tatkala Ramadhan kelak akan meninggalkan kami….
Yaa Rabb… bukakanlah pintu Syurga dan tutupkanlah pintu Neraka bagi kami
Bismillah…wal Alhamdulillah…
Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan…
Ainul Hakim dan Keluarga
Ummu Annisa Dian, Syaif dan Farikh
Marhaban Ya Ramadhan
Setetes embun dipagi hari, jatuh di atas bunga melati, bulan Ramadhan tiba seiring gema tadarus yang menyejukan hati,mari bersihkan hati sucikan jiwa di bulan yang penuh berkah ini & jadikan AL-QURAN sebagai penawar hati, ZIKRULLAH sebagai penghibur hati, SHALAT sebagai pelindung diri,TAQWA sebagai baja dalam taman hati & TARAWIH sebagai penyejuk hati
“saat nafas” menjadi Tasbih.. “Saat Amal” dilipatgandakan “Pahalanya”.. “Saat Untaian doa” “Diijabah”.. Jangan sia - siakan Detik demi detik Bulan ini.. Tenggelamlah dalam Lautan “Dzikir” dan “Ibadah kepadanya”..
seiring waktu yang terasa bergulir,ada canda yang tak luput dari dosa,ada sikap yang pernah mengores luka,ada bahasa yang mungkin berbisa..
Selamat menunaikn ibadah puasa,semoga amal ibadah kt Di trima oleh ALLAH SWT..Amiiinn ya..rabbal’alamin..oh ya,minal aidzin walfa’idzin..mohon maaf lahir & batin !
Keutamaan Bulan Ramadhan
Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan diturunkannya Al Qur’an. Allah subhanallahu wata’ala berfirman:
شَهْرُ رَمَضَانَ الَّذِي أُنْزِلَ فِيْهِ الْقُرْآنُ هُدًى لِلنَّاسِ وَبَيِّنَاتٍ مِنَ الْهُدَى وَالْفُرْقَانِ
“Bulan Ramadhan adalah bulan yang di dalamnya diturunkan (permulaan) Al Qur`an sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang haq dan yang batil).” (Al-Baqarah: 185)
Pada bulan ini para setan dibelenggu, pintu neraka ditutup dan pintu surga dibuka.
Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda:
إِذَا جَاءَ رَمَضَانُ فُتِحَتْ أَبْوَابُ الْجَنَّةِ وَغُلِقَتْ أَبْوَابُ النِّيْرَانِ وَصُفِدَتِ الشَّيَاطِيْنُ
“Bila datang bulan Ramadhan dibukalah pintu-pintu surga, ditutuplah pintu-pintu neraka dan dibelenggulah para setan.” (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Pada bulan Ramadhan pula terdapat malam Lailatul Qadar. Allah subhanallahu wata’ala berfirman:
إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةِ الْقَدْرِ. وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ. لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ أَلْفِ شَهْرٍ. تَنَزَّلُ الْمَلاَئِكَةُ وَالرُّوْحُ فِيْهَا بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهِمْ مِنْ كُلِّ أَمْرٍ. سَلاَمٌ هِيَ حَتَّى مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ
“Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan Al Qur’an pada malam kemuliaan. Tahukah kamu apakah malam kemuliaan itu? Malam kemuliaan itu lebih baik dari seribu bulan. Pada malam itu turun malaikat-malaikat dan malaikat Jibril dengan izin Tuhannya untuk mengatur segala urusan. Malam itu penuh kesejahteraan hingga terbit fajar.” (Al-Qadar: 1-5)
Penghapus Dosa
Ramadhan adalah bulan untuk menghapus dosa. Hal ini berdasar hadits Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda:
الصَّلَوَاتُ الْخَمْسُ وَالْجُمْعَةُ إِلَى الْجُمْعَةِ وَرَمَضَانُ إِلَى رَمَضَانَ مُكَفِّرَاتٌ لَمَا بَيْنَهُنَّ إِذَا اجْتُنِبَتِ الْكَبَائِرُ
“Shalat lima waktu, dari Jum’at (yang satu) menuju Jum’at berikutnya, (dari) Ramadhan hingga Ramadhan (berikutnya) adalah penghapus dosa di antaranya, apabila ditinggalkan dosa-dosa besar.” (HR. Muslim)
مَنْ صَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيْمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ
“Barangsiapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan dengan keimanan dan mengharap ridha Allah, akan diampuni dosa-dosanya yang terdahulu.” (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu)
Sumber: http://www.asysyariah.com/syariah.php?menu=detil&id_online=295
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
PhD Positions in the Area of Fiber-Top Technology, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The “IDEAS at the micron scale” group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has two immediate openings for PhD students who are willing to work in the area of fiber-top technology (see http://www.nat.vu.nl/CondMat/iannuzzi/).
Candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or Engineering with some undergrad research experience preferably in one of the following areas: atomic force microscopy, laser ablation, optical fiber sensors, optical interferometry, MEMS technology, cantilever based instrumentation (e.g., biochemical sensors).
We can offer a competitive salary and a very nice working environment in one of the most beautiful town of Europe.
For more information and applications, contact Dr. Davide Iannuzzi at: iannuzzi[ at ]few.vu.nl
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Molecular Imaging of Breast Cancer, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
A joint research project at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the FOM-AMOLF is set up to investigate hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in breast cancer. A key component of this research is the application of novel multimodal molecular imaging techniques that combine in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopic and optical imaging with ex vivo imaging mass spectrometric approaches.
Job description
The position will investigate hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in breast cancer cell cultures and tumor xenograft models. It will employ different molecular imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, optical imaging, and mass spectrometric imaging. The overall goal of this multidisciplinary project is the identification and 3D localization of novel hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in the breast tumor microenvironment. The data will be integrated within a collaborative project with the FOM-AMOLF in the laboratory of Professor Ron M. A. Heeren. The work will be carried out in a multidisciplinary team of biochemists, molecular biologists, tumor biologists, chemists, physicists, and informaticians. Progress monitoring will be carried out frequently using among others written status reports by the successful candidate.
Job Requirements
The position requires a candidate who is driven, curious, independent-thinking, and able to come up with unique solutions. This candidate should preferably be experienced or interested in the field of magnetic resonance spectroscopic and/or molecular imaging, tumor models, and cancer research. The successful candidate will have a strong affinity with technological developments and information management. Thorough knowledge of the English language is required.
Terms of Employment
The position is intended as full-time appointment in the Radiology Department of the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine (SOM). JHU SOM assists any new foreign employees with housing and visa applications.
The Institute
The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine (SOM) is one of the best in the United States, and the largest recipient of National Institutes of Health research grants to medical schools. Basic and clinical research findings made at JHU SOM have improved the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education, research, and clinical care.
More information about the research at JHU SOM can be found at http://www.jhu.edu
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Center (ICMIC) was established in 2003. Its mission is to identify and image key pathways specific to cancer cells that are a part of the tumor microenvironment. To achieve this goal, the JHU ICMIC combines state of the art molecular biology techniques, multimodal imaging techniques such as optical, magnetic resonance, and nuclear imaging, and unique imaging probe design. The ICMIC Program and JHU SOM offer several high-profile seminar series.
More information about the research at JHU ICMIC can be found at http://icmic.rad.jhmi.edu/
AMOLF is a research institute of the Foundation for Research on Matter (FOM). It employs approximately 200 people, half of them research staff (permanent staff, postdocs and PhD-students). AMOLF is a dynamic institute with over 70 new employees coming in every year and the same number leaving to a new position in industry or university. The research program at AMOLF is interdisciplinary, with strong collaborations among the research groups. The Institute offers a wide variety of weekly work discussions and seminars. Since the institute employs many researchers from abroad, English is spoken at all work discussions and seminars.
More information about the research at AMOLF can be found at http://www.amolf.nl/
Applications can be sent to:
Kristine Glunde, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology/Oncology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Radiology Department JHU ICMIC
212 Traylor Building
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21205 USA
E-mail: kglunde[ at ]mri.jhu.edu
Phone: (410) 614-2705
Fax: (410) 614-1948
PhD Research Positions in Energy and Environment, University of Strathclyde, UK
The mitigation of climate change effects necessitates a major transition towards an energy system that can provide energy services through low carbon technologies and processes. The recent award of a 4 year GBP 2.1M grant through an EPSRC/e.on UK strategic partnership to the Universities of Bath, Loughborough, Strathclyde, Surrey, East Anglia, Leeds, Imperial College and the Policy Studies Institute will focus on researching the nature and drivers that will facilitate this transition.
Two fully funded PhD studentships are immediately available at the University of Strathclyde as part of this grant. These posts will involve integrated modelling and simulation of the UK energy sector to explore and investigate transition pathways in realising a low carbon future with particular focus on network infrastructure. The research work will include development of national scale energy resource flow models for bulk and distance energy transportation, and analysis of the energy system infrastructure at multiple transition staging points. This research activity will support the development of feasible, low carbon energy enabling infrastructures for the UK.
This project offers an excellent opportunity for successful applicants to address fundamental challenges faced by the UK energy sector and influence their solution. The successful candidates will engage in high-priority research in the power and energy sector, and develop the necessary skills for a career in this area.
Research Candidates
High calibre candidates are sought with a background in engineering, science or related disciplines and a desire to contribute to cutting-edge developments in the areas outlined above. Candidates should possess a good first degree (1st or 2:1) or equivalent, excellent communication and team-working skills and a high level of initiative. Experience of modelling large scale physical systems would also be advantageous. The student will receive a (non-taxable) stipend of 12,940 per annum for up to 36 months.
Further information can be found at http://www.eee.strath.ac.uk
Informal enquiries on the project can be made to Dr Stuart Galloway (s.galloway[ at ]eee.strath.ac.uk) at the University of Strathclyde.
To apply, please email your CV, which should include the contact details of at least two academic referees, directly to Dr Galloway.
Open PhD Positions in Scheduling Algorithms, Department Maths & Computer Science, University of Antwerp, Belgium
The department of Maths and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp, Belgium has an open position for a PhD student (full-time) in the PATS research group of Prof C. Blondia and B. Van Houdt.
In principle, it concerns a four year position (with an initial one year contract).
The topic of the open position is located within the area of scheduling algorithms and more specifically mainly concerns designing fast scheduling solutions for loading container vessels in the port of Antwerp.
The project is in cooperation with PSA-HNN, the second largest port operating group worldwide, and COSMOS.
Interested individuals should send an email with their (detailed) CV before September 1st, 2008 to benny.vanhoudt[ at ]ua.ac.be
Prof. B. Van Houdt
PATS research group
Dept. Maths and Computer Science
University of Antwerp
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Aceh Siapkan Fasilitas Bulutangkis Terbesar
Kapanlagi.com - Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) akan memiliki lapangan bulutangkis terbesar sejalan dengan pembangunan yang didanai Institut Lembang Sembilan (L9) di kawasan Desa Tibang, Kecamatan Syiah Kuala, Kota Banda Aceh.
Proyek pembangunan lapangan bulutangkis itu menelan dana sekitar Rp6 miliar dengan target selesai awal 2009, kata Ketua Institut Lembang Sembilan wilayah barat NAD, H Arman Sofyan, di Banda Aceh, Selasa (19/8).
Ia menjelaskan, hall tertutup di Desa Tibang itu memiliki 10 lapangan bulutangkis yang merupakan terbesar di Pulau Sumatera.
"Saat ini, pekerjaan proyek tersebut masih dalam penimbunan area (lahan). Penyediaan lahan seluas sekitar enam hektar itu telah dibebaskan oleh Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh. Kami hanya membangun gedung (hall)," katanya.
Arman menjelaskan, hall bulutangkis tersebut dibangun dengan menggunakan kerangka baja yang telah dirancang di Pulau Jawa.
"Sesampainya di Aceh, pihak pekerja hanya memasang kerangka baja tersebut. Target pemasangan kerangka baja itu sekitar empat bulan," ucapnya.
Arman menjelaskan, tercetusnya pembangunan hall bulutangkis di provinsi ujung paling barat Indonesia itu berawal ketika pertemuan pihaknya dengan mantan pemain bulutangkis terkenal Alan Budikusuma di Istana Presiden di Jakarta.
"Alan bersama sejumlah tokoh bulutangkis nasional itu menyatakan keinginan untuk membangun sebuah hall bulutangkis di Aceh, dengan pertimbangan bahwa Aceh merupakan salah satu daerah yang pernah melahirkan atlet bulutangkis berprestasi," katanya.
"Saya kaget ketika disebutkan awal lahirnya pebulutangkis nasional itu berasal dari Aceh, sekitar era 1970-an. Karena pertimbangan itu maka Alan Budikusuma dan sejumlah atlet terkenal bulutangkis nasional bersimpati untuk membangun sebuah hall terbesar tersebut," ucapnya tanpa menyebutkan siapa nama pebulutangkis itu. (kpl/rif)
Bahaya Merokok
Merokok sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan baik bagi perokok maupun orang di sekitar perokok (perokok pasif). Pada asap rokok terdapat ratusan bahan beracun. Berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui apa yang ada pada asap rokok dan bahayanya bagi kesehatan. Bahaya tersebut beberapa diantaranya adalah akibat rokok terhadap paru-paru dan jantung. Selain itu juga tidak bisa dikesampingkan bahayanya terhadap otak, lambung, ginjal dan masih banyak lagi organ tubuh lainnya.
...angka merokok aktif di Indonesia mencapai 75 % atau 141 juta orang, dan 60 % nya adalah orang berkategori miskin.
Salah satu gas yang berbahaya dari asap rokok yaitu gas karbon monoksida sekitar 3-5%. Gas ini jika dihisap masuk ke dalam paru-paru akan segera masuk ke dalam darah darah dan kemudian berikatan dengan sel darah merah (eritrosit). Eritrosit yang telah berikatan dengan gas ini akan lebih sulit untuk mengikat oksigen yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Dan tentu saja, tubuh akan lebih kekurangan oksigen karena gas karbon monoksida ini.
Bahaya bagi paru-paru dan saluran pernafasan
Merokok dapat menyebabkan perubahan struktur dan fungsi saluran napas dan jaringan paru-paru. Pada saluran napas besar (atas) terjadi perubahan struktur dan bentuk sel lapisannya dan juga dikeluarkannya lebih banyak cairan lendir atau mucus. Pada saluran napas kecil (bawah) terjadi radang ringan hingga penyempitan akibat bertambahnya sel dan penumpukan lendir. Pada jaringan paru-paru, terjadi peningkatan jumlah sel radang dan kerusakan alveoli (bagian akhir saluran nafas). Jika hal ini berlanjut akan mengakibatkan kanker.
Didapatkan hubungan erat antara kebiasaan merokok, terutama sigaret, dengan timbulnya kanker paru-paru. Partikel asap rokok seperti benzopiren, dibenzopiren, dan uretan, dikenal sebagai bahan karsinogenik (bahan pemicu timbulnya kanker). Kemungkinan timbul kanker paru-paru pada perokok mencapai 10-30 kali lebih sering dibandingkan dengan bukan perokok.
Bahaya bagi jantung dan pembuluh darah
Banyak penelitian telah membuktikan adanya hubungan merokok dengan penyakit jantung koroner (PJK). Dari 11 juta kematian per tahun di negara industri maju, WHO melaporkan lebih dari setengah (6 juta) disebabkan gangguan sirkulasi darah, di mana 2,5 juta adalah penyakit jantung koroner dan 1,5 juta adalah stroke. Survei Depkes RI tahun 1986 dan 1992, mendapatkan peningkatan kematian akibat penyakit jantung dari 9,7 % (peringkat ketiga) menjadi 16 % (peringkat pertama).
Merokok terbukti merupakan faktor risiko terbesar untuk mati mendadak. Risiko terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner meningkat 2-4 kali pada perokok dibandingkan dengan bukan perokok. Risiko ini meningkat dengan bertambahnya usia dan jumlah rokok yang diisap. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko merokok bekerja sinergis dengan faktor-faktor lain seperti hipertensi, kadar lemak atau gula darah yang tinggi terhadap tercetusnya penyakit jantung koroner.
Gangguan pada jantung disebabkan oleh rusak atau terganggunya pambuluh darah yang menyediakan darah bagi jantung. Gangguan ini mengakibatkan penyumbatan akibat penggumpalan komponen darah di dinding pembuluh darah. Penyumbatan ini dapat mengakibatkan hipertensi, penyakit jantung koroner, stroke dan penyakit akibat penyumbatan pembulah darah perifer yang bias menyebabkan kaki diamputasi.
Bahaya bagi organ tubuh lainnya
Rokok dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada lambung. Pada keadaan normal lambung dapat bertahan terhadap keasaman cairan lambung karena beberapa zat tertentu. Nikotin dapat mengacaukan zat tertentu terutama bikarbonat yang membantu menurunkan derajat keasaman. Kebiasaan merokok dapat memperparah penyakit lambung yang sudah ada misalnya gastritis dan tukak lambung-duodenum.
Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan di Amerika Serikat dan Inggris, didapatkan kebiasaan merokok memperbesar kemungkinan timbulnya AIDS pada pengidap HIV. Pada kelompok perokok, AIDS timbul rata-rata dalam 8,17 bulan, sedangkan pada kelompok bukan perokok timbul setelah 14,5 bulan. Penurunan kekebalan tubuh pada perokok menjadi pencetus lebih mudahnya terkena AIDS sehingga berhenti merokok penting sekali dalam langkah pertahanan melawan AIDS.
Selain yang telah disebttkan diatas merokok juga dapat mengakibatkan kemandulan baik bagi pria maupun wanita, impotensi bagi pria, gangguan pada janin ibu hamil dan juga bisa memicu timbulnya serangan asma.
Bahaya Perokok Pasif
Perokok pasif yaitu orang yang berada di sekitar orang yang merokok ikut mendapatkan dampak buruk dari asap rokok. Perokok pasif menghisap asap rokok yang keluar dari ujung batang rokok. Resiko penyakit yang ditimbulkan tidak kalah besar dari seorang yang merokok. Bahkan perokok pasif mendapat bahaya yang lebih besar karena asap yang dihisap dikeluarkan terus dari ujung batang rokok. Oleh karena itu adalah wajar jika ada orang yang terganggu dan melarang orang lain merokok disebelahnya karena orang tersebut mempunyai hak penuh untuk hidup sehat.
Pemerintah sudah melakukan beberapa langkah untuk mengurangi kebiasaan merokok di masyarakat. Pemerintah mewajibkan kepada semua produsen rokok untuk mencantumkan peringatan bahaya rokok serta kadar nikotin dan tar pada produknya. Larangan merokok di beberapa tempat umum sudah mulai diterapkan dengan sanksinya meskipun belum berjalan optimal. Pemerintah juga sering menaikkan cukai rokok agar harga rokok semakin mahal sehingga masyarakat mulai berpikir untuk mengurangi atau menghentikan rokok. Tapi timbul masalah baru dengan bermunculannya produsen-produsen rokok ilegal yang tidak membayar cukai rokok sehingga produk-produk rokoknya bisa dijual dengan harga murah.
...wajar jika ada orang yang terganggu dan melarang orang lain merokok disebelahnya karena orang tersebut mempunyai hak penuh untuk hidup sehat.
Melihat bahayanya rokok bagi manusia, sudah seharusnya kita mulai mengurangi bahkan menghentikan kebiasaan merokok. Tapi masih banyak orang mengabaikan bahaya-bahaya ini dengan berbagai alasan. Salah satu hal mengapa orang sulit menghindari rokok yaitu bahaya rokok tidak dapat dirasakan dalam jangka pendek tetapi akibatnya akan timbul bertahun-tahun kemudian. Seorang perokok baru menghentikan kebiasaan merokoknya setelah dia jatuh sakit misalnya terkena serangan jantung. Tetapi masih ada juga yang tetap melanjutkan kebiasaan merokok setelah dia sembuh. (hw)
Menguat, Desakan Pengesahan Perda KTR
TUNTUTAN agar Raperda Kawasan Tertib Rokok (KTR) segera disahkan terus bergulir. Kemarin (19/8) 13 LSM yang tergabung dalam Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Kawasan tanpa Rokok (JMPKTR) mendatangi Wali Kota Bambang D.H. untuk menyampaikan desakan tersebut.
Pertemuan di rumah dinas wali kota Jl Sedap Malam itu menjadi serius lantaran dihadiri banyak pihak. JMPKTR didampingi dinas kesehatan, sedangkan wali kota didampingi bagian hukum dan badan pengendalian lingkungan hidup (BPLH).
Koordinator JMPKTR Sardiyoko mengatakan, ada 13 LSM yang menuntut agar Raperda KTR segera disahkan. Mereka adalah Center for Religious and Community Studies (CRCS), LBH Surabaya, Kelompok Perempuan Pro Demokrasi (KPPD), Savi Amira, Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit), Kelompok Perempuan Sumber-Sumber Kehidupan (KPS2K), Sebaya PKBI, LPA Jatim, Walhi Jatim, Yayasan Abdi Asih, Kelompok Studi Gender dan Kesehatan (KSGK), I Net for Justice, serta GAYa Nusantara.
Menurut Sardiyoko, seluruh organisasi tersebut mengaku prihatin terhadap Pansus Raperda KTR yang tak jelas juntrungnya. "Empat kali perpanjangan, ternyata tetap tidak ada kepastian," ujarnya.
Sardiyoko mengatakan, pengesahan raperda itu merupakan sebuah kewajiban yang harus dipenuhi pemkot. Sebab, jumlah perokok di kalangan remaja terus meningkat. Tak sekadar itu, 78 persen orang miskin adalah perokok. "Mereka menggunakan 19 persen pendapatannya untuk beli rokok," jelasnya.
Menanggapi tuntutan berbagai organisasi tersebut, Bambang D.H. berjanji mendorong DPRD Surabaya segera mengesahkan peraturan tersebut. Desakan itu akan dia lontarkan kepada DPRD Surabaya di hadapan sidang paripurna hari ini. Kebetulan, salah satu agenda sidang paripurna tersebut adalah membahas perpanjangan Pansus Raperda KTR dan target penyelesaiannya. "Melalui bagian hukum, pemkot juga akan mengusulkan batasan maksimum dua kali bagi pansus untuk membahas raperda. Dengan begitu, ada kepastian diterima atau ditolak," jelas politikus PDIP itu.
Wali kota menjelaskan, Raperda KTR tidak perlu dikhawatirkan bakal mematikan industri rokok. Hal itu bisa berkaca dari Thailand yang sudah melaksanakan kebijakan pengaturan merokok. "Thailand memberlakukan cukai yang sangat tinggi. Yang terjadi, rokok hanya bisa dijangkau kalangan mampu karena harganya mahal. Pabrik rokok juga tetap bisa beroperasi," katanya.
Sejatinya, lanjut Bambang, perusahaan rokok di Surabaya menyambut positif rencana pemberlakuan perda KTR. Salah satu contohnya PT HM Sampoerna Tbk yang pernah diundang ketika awal pembahasan raperda tersebut. "Mereka tidak khawatir dengan adanya perda ini karena tidak menyebabkan kerugian perusahaan rokok," ujarnya.
Kepala Dinkes Esti Martiana Rachimie menambahkan, yang perlu diselamatkan dengan perda itu terutama adalah kaum perokok pasif. Kelompok itu tidak merokok, tapi selalu ikut kena asapnya. "Juga perokok dari kalangan remaja yang jumlahnya terus meningkat," katanya.
Dalam perda itu disebutkan lima kawasan bebas dari rokok. Yaitu, lembaga pendidikan, tempat ibadah, rumah sakit, arena bermain anak, dan angkutan umum. (kit/fat)
Sumber : Jawa Pos, 20 agustus 2008
Jurus Ampuh Basmi Bau Mulut
SEMUA orang pasti setuju bahwa nafas tak sedap adalah hal yang sering membuat jengkel, memalukan dan merusak suasana saat berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Saat ini, tidak kurang dari 90 juta orang mengidap kelainan bau mulut kronis atau juga dikenal dengan istilah halitosis.
Jika Anda mengalami problem yang satu ini, berikut adalah tip-tip mudah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasinya :
1. Jangan biarkan lidah Anda seperti karpet kotor
Bau mulut seringkali menyerang ketika orang tidak menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan mulut. Aroma tak sedap biasanya timbul akibat pembusukan remah atau sisa-sisa makanan yang terjebak dalam gigi Anda. Itulah sebabnya mengapa menyikat gigi dan flossing secara teratur sangat penting bagi kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Tapi ada yang tak boleh dilupakan adalah menyikat lidah untuk membersihkan bakteri. Lidah adalah organ yang secara mikroskopik seperti halnya sebuah karpet. Ada jutaan filamen dalam lidah yang dapat membuat partikel, bakteri dan sisa-sisa makanan terjebak. Dengan membersihkan lidah secara teratut menggunakan sikat, sendok atau pembersih khusus lidah, bakteri penyebab nafas busuk dalam mulut akan berkurang.
Menggunakan penyegar mulut atau mouthwash juga bukan ide yang buruk, tetapi langkah ini hanya bersifat sementara. Memilih penyegar mulut sepertinya lebih praktis sebelum Anda makan malam dengan sang kekasih. Tetapi upaya ini hanyalah menyamarkan aroma bau mulut saja, tanpa mengatasi masalah Anda yang sebenarnya.
2. Selalu kunyah permen karet.
Percaya atau tidak, saliva atau air liur adalah senjata paling ampuh untuk membasmi nafas tak sedap. Itulah sebabnya ketika mulut Anda kering, yang seringkali disebabkan konsumsi obat atau penyakit, akan menyebabkan masalah bau mulut.
Selain dapat membersihkan mulut dari partikel makanan dan bakteri, air ludah juga dapat mengikis aroma nafas tak sedap. Jika Anda bertanya kenapa mulut selalu bau ketika bangun tidur, hal ini terjadi karena produksi alir liur menurun ketika tidur, sehingga membuat partikel dan aroma tak sedap bertahan dan melekat dalam mulut.|
Itulah sebabnya permen karet tanpa gula sangat berfaedah, karena dengan mengunyahnya akan merangsang produksi air liur. Pilihlah permen karet dengan pemanis xylitol karena pemanis ini tidak hanya dapat meningkatkan produksi air liur ,tetapi bekerja mencegah pertumbuhab bakteri dalam mulut
3. Gunakan kayu manis.
Sebuah riset terbaru penggunaan permen karet di Amerika Serikat menunjukkan bahwa kayu manis dapat mengatasi masalah bau mulut. Tidak seperti bahan lainnya, kayu manis tidak hanya menyamarkan aroma yang tak sedap. Rempah alami ini juga mengandung zat yang tampaknya dapat menurunkan konsentrasi bakteri di dalam mulut. Oleh karena itu, hindarilah permen karet yang mengandung gula karena justru akan merusak gigi, tetapi pilihlah permen karet tanpa gula dengan aroma kayu manis.
4. Minum air lebih banyak.
Para ahli mengindikasikan, semakin tua usia seseorang akan semakin rentan mengalami dehidrasi. Anda mungkin tidak pernah sadar jika Anda kehausan dan tubuh memerlukan lebih banyak cairan. Maka dari itu, biasakanlah minum secara teratur karena meminum air akan menekan pertumbuhan bakteri dalam mulut. Selain itu, minum air secara teratur juga membuat Anda lebih segar dan sehat.
5. Atasi penyebab lainnya.
Meski kebanyakan bau mulut dapat diatasi dengan langkah mudah dan pola hidup yang higienis, ada kalanya bau mulut juga disebabkan masalah gigi atau penyakit lain yang sangat jarang. Datanglah ke dokter gigi jika bau busuk dalam mulut Anda menetap dan tak kunjung hilang.
Dokter akan memeriksa kemungkinan terjadinya gigi berlubang, gigi busuk, atau bahkan masalah gusi yang menyebabkan mulut menjadi tak sedap. Bila bau mulut Anda penyebabnya tidak jelas, ini dapat menjadi sinyal atau pertanda adanya problem kesehatan yang lebih serius.
Kasus yang jarang ini, bisa jadi merupakan indikasi adanya infeksi, gagal ginjal atau liver. Oleh sebab itu, Anda harus memeriksakan ke dokter ahli jika dokter gigi tidak dapat menemukan secara pasti penyebab bau mulut Anda.
6. Gunakan water pick.
Anda tidak bisa membersihkan dengan sempurna seluruh mulut dengan hanya mengandalkan sikat gigi. Menggunakan sejenis alat penyemprot khusus gigi yang disebut water pick, Anda bsia memberihkan semua bagian mulut, gusi dan sela-sela di antara gigi Anda. Jika sisa-sisa makanan menempel di antara gigi dan sikat tak bisa mencapainya, makanan itu akan membusuk dan baru akan tersapu bila Anda melakukan flossing. Dengan alat ini, Anda tak perlu menunggu hingga makanan membusuk.
PhD Studentships in Economics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
PhD Student in Economics
The chair of “Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy” has a job opening for a PhDposition.
We are interested in candidates who have completed the equivalent of a Masters degree and whose interests coincide with ongoing research at our chair. We employ and develop macroeconomic, strategic and cooperative thinking to analyze short- and long-term economic and political problems.
We suggest improvements, develop policy guidelines and design new institutions aimed at fostering the common welfare. Our?research can be subdivided into three areas:
* Area M: Macroeconomic Thinking and Economic Policy,
* Area I: Innovation, the Engines of Growth and Long-term Well-being,
* Area P: Design of New Organizations/Institutions and their Foundations.
Our chair is part of the CER-ETH (Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich), which belongs to the Department of Management, Technology and Economics. The PhDposition we currently offer is planned for research topics of area P. As a PhD student in a leading research institute integrated in the ETH Zurich, you will conduct academic and policy-relevant economic research in an inspiring environment.
The PhD student will work under the supervision of Professor Hans Gersbach and other members of the faculty. Good writing skills and computing skills are essential. The main focus of the position will be on conceptual and theoretical research. The appointment includes opportunities for teaching related to the candidate’s field of interest. Fluent knowledge of English is mandatory. Master degrees in mathematics, physics or engineering sciences are welcome.
The appointment includes the opportunity to write a dissertation in the candidate’s field of interest. A PhD thesis is to be completed within three to four years. The salary will be in accordance with the regulations of the ETH Zurich. Applicants unfamiliar with ETH are encouraged to read the “Survival Guide - Handbook for Ph.D. Students at ETH Zurich”, http://www.aveth.ethz.ch/sg/sg2002.pdf
Applicants must submit a letter describing their background and interests, a curriculum vitae, contact information for two academic references and a sample research paper (or their master thesis) in electronic (PDF) format to mbuser[ at ]ethz.ch. In addition, university transcripts should be sent to our office manager Margrit Buser, Chair of Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy, ETH Zurich, Zürichbergstrasse 18, 8092 Zurich, SWITZERLAND.
First consideration will be given to applications submitted by 15 August 2008, but applications will continue to be considered until the job advertisement is withdrawn from our homepage, http://www.cer.ethz.ch/mip/Positions/index
Thursday, August 14, 2008
PhD Scholarships in Systems Biology at University of Luxembourg
PhD student (assistant) in Systems Biology (M/F)
The University of Luxembourg has a vacancy in its Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication for a Assistant- PhD student (Doktorand) in Systems Biology / Life Sciences
3-years contract, renewable starting October 2008 (or later)
Research area: Systems Biology - Life Sciences
Systems biological methods shall be used to investigate the systemic properties of inflammatory signalling networks in mammalian cells. Inflammation is a fundamental response of virtually all multi-cellular organisms to infection and injury. It is led on by a variety of signal transduction pathways tightly regulated and linked to other cellular events like apoptosis and proliferation. Strict regulation of this process is essential as errors can result in clinically relevant disorders like infection and sepsis, atherosclerotic disease and others.
The large number of participating components, their dependencies and multiple stimuli make the analysis of this signalling network difficult. Therefore a Boolean (logical) model of inflammatory signal transduction pathways shall be developed based on the current published knowledge and own experimental data aiming at a holistic (systems oriented) view. One focus will be on regulatory interactions between network components under different input-output settings and prediction of signalling scenarios in knock-out experiments. The project aims at the prediction and verification of experimental data, the examination of the structure and hierarchy of the inflammation signalling networks and the relevance analysis of the contained components.
* Prepare a PhD in Systems Biology
* Contribute to the teaching activities of the Faculty, especially in Systems Biology
* Diploma or Master in Life Sciences (Biology), Biotechnology, Engineering or comparable
* Preferably the candidate should have a strong background in cell biology or systems biology.
* Good written and oral English skills are obligatory, working knowledge in German and/or French is an advantage.
* research within an up-to-date field
* exciting interdisciplinary environment
* competitive remuneration
For further information, please contact:
Thomas Sauter
University of Luxembourg
162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
L-1511 Luxembourg
Office: Campus Limpertsberg
Tel: +49 711 6856 6611
Email: thomas.sauter[ at ]uni.lu
Url : http://www.isys.uni-stuttgart.de/~sauter/
Interested candidates are asked to send their full application (letter of motivation, detailed CV, copies of diploma, photo) until September 30th, 2008 by e-mail to thomas.sauter[ at ]uni.lu
The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer.
Application End: Tuesday 30 September 2008
Scholarships for International Students from Government of Malaysia
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia invites applications from international students for the scholarships from Government of Malaysia for academic session 2009/2010. The scholarships are as follows:
* MTCP Scholarship
* MIS Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies
* MIS Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies
* Commonwealth Scholarship (Comprehensive information is provided in the brochure)
A panel established by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia will finalise the selection.
Deadline: 31th December 2008
For further information about the scholarship contact: Ms. Norkamilah Zanial
e-mail: norkamilahz[ at ]mohe.gov.my
Download brochure and application form:.....More
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
PhD Research Opportunities in Micro- and Nano- Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland
The International Centre for Graduate Education in Micro- and Nano-Engineering (ICGEE) is an inter-university, inter-disciplinary and international organisation providing a student-centric doctoral research and education experience with a unique international flavor and perspective.
It brings together nine Irish partners, including:
Eight third level higher education institutions
Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT)
Cork Institute of Technology (CIT)
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
University College Cork (UCC)
University College Dublin (UCD)
University of Limerick (UL)
One professional engineering accreditation body
Engineers Ireland
Five international partners
Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), Sweden
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France
Northwestern University, IL, USA
University of Edinburgh, UK.
The ICGEE offers:
A global curriculum with a wide spectrum of specialist academic courses from leading experts in Europe, the US and Asia World-class research opportunities. The opportunity to build an international peer network amongst the next generation of young internationally focused global engineering leaders.
Information for Applicants
Currently we are recruiting 1st and 2nd year PhD students. The application procedure and financial support available is different depending on which year of your PhD programme you are in. Please select the appropriate option:
1st Year PhD Candidate
2nd Year PhD Candidate
Information for 1st Year PhD Candidates
ICGEE Scholarships
An ICGEE scholarship of €24,000 per year over 4 years will be offered to all successful applicants to include a stipend (€16,000), travel and the equivalent of an EU Higher Education Institution (HEI) fee.
An application may be submitted to any of the Irish partner HEI’s within the ICGEE. Institutional affiliation is compulsory for admission to the ICGEE programme and the ICGEE admissions process will run in parallel with that of the selected host institute. The PhD research must fit within the ICGEE key research areas: Micro- & Nano-Engineering Design and Materials & Manufacturing. Potential candidates should have a first class primary degree or a Masters level education. For students whose first language/mother tongue is not English, an IELTS score of minimum 6.0 is required. Your application dossier must contain the following documentation:
* A signed ICGEE cover sheet (download the cover sheet here)
* Copy of Host University application form
A Personal Statement describing yourself, your scientific interests and why you want to join the ICGEE programme (max 1 page). Your application package should be scanned and emailed to info[ at ]icgee.ie
Information for 2nd Year PhD Candidates
ICGEE Scholarships
Students studying in an Irish HEI can avail of a scholarship of €6000 from the ICGEE programme that will provide for costs relatedto travel over the remaining three years of study for the PhD.
Potential candidates should have a 1H or MSc-level education They must have completed their first year of their current PhD in an Irish HEI. Institutional affiliation is compulsory for admission to the ICGEE programme. The PhD research must fit within the ICGEE. For students whose first language/mother tongue is not English, an IELTS score of minimum 6.0 is required. Your application dossier must contain the following documentation:
* A signed ICGEE cover sheet (download the cover sheet here)
* A Personal Statement describing yourself, your scientific interests and why you want to join the ICGEE programme (max 1 page)
* A CV
* Reference letter from your supervisor.
Your application package should be scanned and emailed to info[ at ]icgee.ie
Only applications received before 1 September 2008 will be considered.
For any additional queries, please contact:
Patricia Hegarty,
ICGEE Administrator,
Department of Microelectronic Engineering,
University College Cork,
Tel:+ 353 21 490 4575
Download a (printer friendly) PDF with this information from www.icgee,ie
PhD Studentships at the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Germany
Open position for a PhD student (IMK-IFU01-08)
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH is one of the largest natural science and engineering research institution in Europe. Our Atmospheric Environmental Research Division (IMK-IFU) of the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research has a long tradition in atmospheric environmental research, with its main emphasis on studying the impact of anthropogenic activities on the interactions between atmosphere and biosphere, air quality, regional climate, and hydrology. Studies in these research fields are characterised by an interdisciplinary and integrated approach involving field measurements, process studies and numerical modelling. Results obtained in these research fields are used for defining reliable and efficient mitigation and adaptation strategies.
For numerical modelling tasks within the project “Verification of the turbulence parameterization and the description of the vertical structure of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in numerical simulation models for wind analysis and forecasts (VERITAS)” we offer a position for a PhD student for a three year term as soon as possible. We seek a person who is interested in numerical simulation strategies in atmospheric environmental research and who has a master (Diplom) degree preferably in meteorology, flow engineering, mathematics or physics. Experience in numerical modelling would be an advantage but is not required. The work will comprise running mesoscale numerical models and the evaluation of offshore turbulence data.
The remuneration will be in accordance to the German public service regulations (TVöD 13/2).
The position is open immediately. Please send as soon as possible (but not later than September 30, 2008) applications with the usual documents to the address below (preferably by e-mail), from where you can get also additional information.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Stefan Emeis
Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research
- Atmospheric Environmental Research –
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
stefan.emeis[ at ]imk.fzk.de
PhD Studentship in Physics, Lancaster University, UK
Lancaster University invites applications for a fully-funded PhD position in its Department of Physics.
The successful applicant will join the largest low temperature group in the UK in one of the best physics departments in the country, graded 5*A in the last national Research Assessment Exercise. He/she will participate in topical studies of critical phenomena in and on liquid helium, including studies of quantum excitations and capillary turbulence on the surfaces of both liquid 4He and liquid 3He in the ultra-low-temperature limit. The work has wide interdisciplinary implications, including e.g. to space science and the mysterious creation mechanism of the giant rogue waves that occasionally appear on the ocean and endanger shipping.
The project involves collaborative research with ISIS at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. It is based on the unique combination of neutron reflection, ultralow temperature sample environment, and the deeply quantum nature of the helium isotopes. The PhD student will be based in Lancaster, but will participate in and help to develop the experiments at ISIS. Thus he/she will conduct low and ultra-low temperature experiments, work with quantum fluids and neutron facilities, gain wide experience in cryogenic engineering, learn the diverse experimental and theoretical methods required by the professional physicist, and be a part of a multidisciplinary research team. There will be opportunities to visit our collaborators at the ISSP in Chernogolovka, near Moscow, and for participation in international conferences.
This studentship, for up to four years, will be available from 1 October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. It provides a stipend at the standard EPSRC rate of GBP 12,600 per annum. Full funding is available for UK or EU nationals. Applicants should have a first degree in physics at the 2(i) level or above, or equivalent qualification in physical science.
For further information, contact:
Professor Peter McClintock (p.v.e.mcclintock[ at ]lancaster.ac.uk) or
Dr Andrei Ganshyn (a.ganshyn[ at ]lancaster.ac.uk)
Please include a CV with your enquiry.
The Post-doctoral Fellowship of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University, USA
The post-doctoral fellowship of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University is designed to bring together an innovative group of interdisciplinary researchers from around the world. The Fellowship gives emerging scholars the opportunity to work with distinguished faculty and provide a space for collaborative research and publication. CGT encourages interdisciplinary, transnational research under three broad themes: Secularism and Diversity, Global Governance, and Poverty and Inequality. Past fellows have researched topics including the local socio-economic consequences of global policy, the historical roots of identity, and the evolution of transnational and international political structures. Scholars from any discipline may apply, provided that they successfully indicate how their work will contribute to CGT’s three research themes listed above. Up to four fellowship spots are available for the academic year beginning August 1, 2009.
The term of the fellowship is one calendar year, beginning August 1, 2009 and ending July 31, 2010. The fellowship is renewable for an additional year, contingent upon mutual satisfaction with demonstrated progress.
Fellows are expected to:
* Teach or assist with one undergraduate or graduate course, either of their own design or as specified by the Committee. When teaching, fellows are required to hold weekly office hours.
* Participate in planning and execution of research workshops and symposia.
* Present their individual research projects once a semester.
International applicants are encouraged to apply. If selected, Columbia University will sponsor the appropriate visa.
Candidates will be considered only if:
* They received their first doctorate from a recognized university no earlier than August 1, 2004 (Those who have not completed their degree at the time of application must have submitted their dissertation for defense on or before April 1, 2009. Evidence required, no exceptions).
* They do not hold or have not held a tenure or tenure-track position.
* They can fluently speak, publish, and teach in English.
* They submit an original research proposal. An adaptation of a dissertation or previous publication does not qualify.
Fellows will receive:
* An annual salary of $55,000, which includes health insurance and other standard benefits.
* Access to Columbia University libraries and computer resources.
* Shared office space.
* Eligibility for additional funding for special research projects.
* Eligibility to apply for campus housing.
* Application Checklist- all items must be completed and postmarked by December 1, 2008 and received by December 10, 2008.
Send materials to:
Committee on Global Thought
3 Claremont Ave. Suite 101
New York, NY 10027
attn: Post-doc Search
* An official graduate school transcript and terminal diploma if received (provide English translation if necessary).
* Three (3) letters of reference.
* Application fee of $30 USD. Check or money order made payable to Columbia University (Fee may be waived at our discretion).
Please send 5 copies of the following:
1.Curriculum Vitae
2. Cover Letter
3. Research proposal
-not to exceed 1500 words;
-The description should include the background, nature, importance, specific objectives, and methodology of the proposed research project
4. Writing Sample
- not to exceed 20 double spaced pages
- preferably an article or research paper published in a scholarly journal
- topic should be pertinent to the proposed research project
- no books will be accepted
5. Syllabus of proposed course or Outline of proposed Symposium
All materials must be in English; translations accepted.
Applications are reviewed immediately, so please ensure they are complete. Applications received piecemeal are not likely to be assembled or read.
All questions may be directed to: cgtmail[ at ]gmail.com.
PhD and Post Doctoral Positions in Ubiquitous Robotics at the Clarity Centre, Ireland
The Clarity Centre is now seeking well-qualified, motivated researchers who want to be part of a world-class research group in Ubiquitous Robotics, and Sensor and Adaptive Information Technology.
Applicants for PhD (funded) positions should have/expect to achieve at least a 2.1 in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering or a related discipline with a keen interest in research. A broad range of Post-Doctoral positions are also available to qualified and well motivated individuals with clear interest in CLARITY’s research vision.
Motivated applicants should first identify the research package/s according to their expertise and/or interest. Applications should be sent to the relative principal investigator (PI) directly together with
max one page cover letter and CV.
Research in Ubiquitous Robotics:
Some of the available positions will address the area of robots integrated in ubiquitous, pervasive, and intelligent environments. Such robots are part of open and distributed networks of sensors, actuators, and computing services, which can also act as a shared information space for both the robots and the humans they interact with.
Some of the relevant research directions foreseen within this area are:
The application of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) and Multi-Agent System (MAS) coordination techniques to develop distributed and adaptive software architectures.
These architectures are defined in terms of distributed and autonomous software modules (agents), which can exhibit global self-configuration properties and can also deliver context-sensitive and personalized services to both the users and the robots in the environment.
The integration between robots and wireless sensor networks
(WSNs), that is, robots acting as mobile gateways or otherwise working to the advantage of networks of wirelessly connected sensors, e.g. carrying out maintenance, localization, and calibration operations in applications such as security, search & rescue, and surveillance systems.
Further information:
The CLARITY CSET is a partnership between University College Dublin and Dublin City University, supported by research at the Tyndall National Institute (TNI) Cork. CLARITY is a collaboration between a number of specialist teams across the institutions who have already strong track records in sensor technology. It builds on work undertaken by the SFI-funded Adaptive Information Cluster, which is led by 5 principal investigators from UCD and DCU.
The Clarity Centre is located in the School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin (UCD) in Dublin, Ireland. UCD has over 22,000 students including 2,500 international students from over 80 countries and is situated on a large modern campus 4 km to the south of the centre of Dublin.
Find general information about vacancies at the Clarity Centre at: http://www.clarity-centre.org/vacancy.
The application form can be downloaded at:
The application should be sent to one of the Principal Investigators (PIs) (see http://www.claritycentre.org/content/principal-investigator)
Applications inherent to robotic research can be addressed to Gregory O’Hare (gregory [dot] ohare [at] ucd [dot] ie).
Requests for further information can be sent to Mauro Dragone (mauro [dot] dragone [at] ucd [dot] ie).
Vitamin C Oles Lebih Efektif Sembuhkan Psoriasis
JAKARTA - Selain diminum dalam bentuk tablet dan disuntikan, Vitamin C kini bisa didapatkan melalui olesan. Dengan cara ini, penyakit psoriaris pada kulit dapat lebih efektif dikurangi.
”Karena vitamin C mampu mengurangi tumbuhnya anti flamasi pada tubuh, yang menyebabkan bintik merah pada kulit atau psoriasis,” ungkap Dr Elandri Sulastomo, Spesialis kulit dan kelamin, pada acara peluncuran Ester C-Gold, di Jakarta (10/3).
Antiflamasi itu sendiri dijelaskan oleh Dr Elandri sebagai akibat dari kurangnya asupan vitamin C pada tubuh. Akibatnya kemudian menyebabkan peradangan, yang kemudian berefek timbulnya bintik merah pada kulit. Pada fase yang lebih parah, psoriasis dapat terlihat sebagai bentuk sisik pada kulit.
Penyakit psoriasis sendiri di Indonesia masih ditemukan berulang kali, seperti pada kasus bayi Andini dari Desa Buyat, di kawasan buangan limbah PT Newmont Minahasa Raya (NMR), berapa waktu lalu.
Hingga kini sebenarnya cara penyembuhan psoriasis sendiri masih dianggap mustahil. Situs www.psoriasis.or.id, yang sempat dikunjungi SH pada hari Senin (12/3) menyatakan satu-satunya cara yang bisa dilakukan sekarang merupakan upaya untuk mengurangi gejalanya.
Penggunaan vitamin C kemudian dianggap salah satu jalan keluar untuk masalah ini. Karena kemampuan mengurangi anti-inflamasi pada kulit yang disebutkan tadi. Namun sayangnya dalam riwayat pemakaian, vitamin C cenderung hanya dikenal berbentuk tablet. Padahal dalam wujud tersebut, terdapat beberapa masalah terutama bagi para penderita penyakit di lambung.
“Adanya vitamin C oles membuat khasiat vitamin C dapat lebih diserap, lebih stabil dan menghindari iritasi kulit,” analisa Dr Elandri. Ini berarti beberapa halangan, seperti lamanya proses yang dijalani vitamin C sebelum mencapai kulit, bisa dikurangi.
Psoriasis sendiri diawali dengan gejala bintik merah, makin lama bintik makin melebar, karena terus digaruk. Tekanan pada saat menggaruk mengakibatkan tumbuhnya kulit baru. Namun karena akibat tekanan yang berbeda tiap meggaruk, membuat kulit baru tumbuh berlapis-lapis seperti sisik.
Penyakit ini pada kulit kepala dapat menyerupai ketombe, sedangkan pada lempeng kuku seperti terdapat lubang-lubang kecil rapuh atau keruh. Pada beberapa jenis psoriasis, komplikasi yang diakibatkan dapat menjadi serius, seperti pada psoriasis artropi, yaitu psoriasis yang menyerang sendi, psoriasis bernanah (psoriasis postulosa) dan terakhir psoriasis yang menyebabkan seluruh kulit akan menjadi merah disertai badan menggigil (eritoderma). (sulung prasetyo)
Copyright © Sinar Harapan 2003
Sumber : Sinar Harapan
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Students’ Conceptions of Learning
Learning as an increase of knowledge
To gain some knowledge is learning … We obviously want to learn more. I want to know as much as possible.
Learning is memorizing
Learning is about getting it into your head. You’ve just to keep writing it out and eventually it will go in.
Learning is acquiring facts or procedures which are to be used.
Well, it’s about learning the thing so you can do it again when you are asked to, like in an exam.
Learning is making sense.
Learning is about trying to understand things so you can see what is going on. You’ve got to be able to explain things, not just remember them.
Learning is understanding reality.
When you have really learnt something you kind of see things you couldn’t see before. Everything changes
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Bibliography on Islamic Banking
# Abdallah, A., 1987. 'Islamic banking', Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, January-March, 4(1): 31-56.
# Abdeen, A.M. and Shook, D.N., 1984. The Saudi Financial System, J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
# Abdel-Magib, M.F., 1981. 'Theory of Islamic banks: accounting implications', International Journal of Accounting, Fall: 78-102.
# Aftab, M., 1986. 'Pakistan moves to Islamic banking', The Banker, June: 57-60.
# Ahmad, Sheikh Mahmud, l952. Economics of Islam, Lahore.
# ____, n.d. 'Interest and Unemployment', Islamic Studies, Islamabad, VIII (l): 9-46.
# Al-Arabi, Mohammad Abdullah, l966. 'Contemporary banking transactions and Islam's views thereon', Islamic Review, London, May l966: l0-l6.
# Al-Jarhi, Ma'bid Ali, l983. 'A monetary and financial tructure for an interest- free economy, institutions, mechanism and policy', in Ziauddin, Ahmad et al. (eds.), Money and Banking in Islam, International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, Jeddah, and Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad.
# Ali, M. (ed.) l982. Islamic Banks and Strategies of Economic Cooperation, New Century Publishers, London. ____ (ed.) 1984. Papers on Islamic Banking, New Century Publishers, London.
# Ariff, M. l982. 'Monetary policy in an interest-free Islamic economy - nature and scope' in M. Ariff, (ed.), Monetary and Fiscal Economics of Islam, International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, Jeddah.
# ____ 1988. Islamic Banking in South-east Asia, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore.
# Bruce, N.C., 1986. 'Islamic banking moves east', Euromoney, July: 142-5.
# Chapra, M. Umer, l982. 'Money and banking in an Islamic economy' in M Ariff (ed.), above.
# ____ l985. Toward a Just Monetary System, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
# Choudhury, Masul Alam, l986. Contributions to Islamic Economic Theory: A Study in Social Economics, St Martin Press, New York.
# Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), Pakistan, l983. 'Elimination of interest from the economy', in Ziauddin, Ahmed et al. (eds.).
# DiVanna, Joseph, A., Understanding Islamic Banking: The Value Proposition that Transcends Cultures, Cambridge: Leonardo and Francis Press, 2006-08-28
# El-Asker, A.A.F., 1987. The Islamic Business Enterprise, Croom Helm, London.
# El-Din, A.K., 1986. 'Ten years of Islamic banking', Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, July-September, 3(3):49-66.
# Halim, Abdul, l986. 'Sources and uses of funds: a study of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad,' paper presented to the Seminar on Developing a System of Islamic Financial Instruments, organized by the Ministry of Finance Malaysia and the Islamic Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur.
# Hjarpe, Jan, l986. 'Mudaraba banking and takaful insurance: the question of "Islamic Banks", their significance and possible impact', in Jan Selmer, and Loong Hoe Tan, Economic Relations between Scandinavia and ASEAN: Issues on Trade, Investment, Technology Transfer and Business Culture, University of Stockholm and Institute of South-east Asian Studies, Singapore.
# Homoud, S.H., 1985. Islamic Banking, Arabian Information, London.
# Huq, Azizul, l986. 'Utilization of financial investments: a case study of Bangladesh', paper submitted to the Seminar on Developing a System of Is lamic Financial Instruments, organized by the Ministry of Finance Malaysia and the Islamic Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur.
# Iqbal, Zubair and Mirakhor, Abbas, l987. Islamic Banking, International Monetary Fund Occasional Paper 49, Washington D.C.
# Irshad, S.A., l964. Interest-Free Banking, Orient Press of Pakistan, Karachi.
# Kahf, Monzer, l982a. 'Saving and investment functions in a two-sector Islamic economy', in M. Ariff (ed.) , above.
# ____ l982b. 'Fiscal and monetary policies in an Islamic economy', in M. Ariff (ed.),above.
# Karsten, I., 1982. 'Islam and financial intermediation', IMF Staff Papers, March, 29(1):108-42.
# Khan, Abdul Jabbar, l986. 'Non-interest banking in Pakistan: a case study', paper presented to the Seminar on Developing a System of Islamic Financial Instruments, organized by the Ministry of Finance Malaysia and the Islamic Development Bank, Kuala Lumpur.
# Khan, M. Fahim, l983. 'Islamic banking as practised now in the world' in Ziauddin, Ahmad et al. (eds.).
# Khan, M. S.,1986.'Islamic interest-free banking', I M F Staff Papers, March, 33(1):1-27.
# ____, 1987 'Principles of monetary policy in an Islamic framework', paper presented to the International Institute of Islamic Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan, July.
# ____, and Mirakhor, A., 1986. 'The framework and practice of Islamic banking', Finance and Development, September.
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# ____ n.d. 'International monetary crisis, causes and cure', The Criterion, Karachi, 6 (2): 5-l9.
# Khan, W.M., l985. Towards an Interest-Free Islamic Economic System, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
# Man, Zakariya, l988. 'Islamic banking: the Malaysian experience', in M. Ariff (ed.), above.
# Mannan, M.A., l970. Islamic Economics, Lahore.
# Mastura, Michael O., l988. 'Islamic banking: the Philippine experience', in M. Ariff (ed.), above.
# Mayfield, James, 1971, 'The Rural Politics of Nasser's Egypt', University of Texas Press
# Mirakhor, Abbas, 1986. 'Some theoretical aspects of an Islamic financial system', paper presented at a Conference on Islamic Banking sponsored by the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, 11-14 June.
# Mohsin, M., l982. 'Profile of riba-free banking', in M. Ariff (ed.), above.
# Naqvi, S.N.H., l98l. Ethics and Economics: An Islamic Synthesis, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
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# Nienhaus, V., l983. 'Profitability of Islamic PLS banks competing with interest banks: problems and prospects', Journal of Research in Islamic Economics, l(l):37-47.
# ____, l986. 'Islamic economics, finance and banking - theory and practice', Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance, 3(2):36-54.
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# Rahman, Fazalur, n.d. 'Riba and interest', Islamic Studies, Karachi, 3(l):l-43.
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# Rosa, D.A., 1986. 'Islamic financial policies and domestic resource mobilisa tion', Savings and Development , 2:143-53.
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Sumber : Islamic Banking
Reference Banking in Islam
Ahamed Kameel Mydin Meera, The Islamic Gold Dinar, Pelanduk – Malaysia, 2002.
Frank E. Vogel & Samuel L. Hayes, Islamic Law and Finance: Religion, Risk, and Return, Kluwer Law International, The Hague Netherland, 1998.
Imam Al Ghazali, Ihya Ulumuddin, Asy Syifa, Jakarta, 1990.
Joseph E. Stiglitz dan Bruce Greenwald, Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics, Raffaele Mattioli Lecture, Cambridge, 2003.
Mahmood M. Sanusi, “Gold Dinar, Paper Currency and Monetary Stability: An Islamic View,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Stable Just Global Monetary Sistem, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2002.
Michael Rowbotham, Excerpts from The Grip of death: A Study of Modern Money, Debt Slavery and Destructive Economics, Jon Carpente Publishing, Oxford, 1998.
Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi, “Comparative Advantages Of Islamic Banking And Finance,” Presented at Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, 6 April 2002.
Olivier Jeanne, “Foreign Currency Debt and The Global Financial Architecture,” European Economic Review, No. 44, 2000.
Peter Barberton dan Allen Lane, Excerpts from Debt and Delusion, The Pinguin Press, 1999.
Robin Hahnel, “Capitalist Globalism In Crisis: Part One: Boom and Bust,” www.zmag.og.
Roy Davies & Glyn Davies, A History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day, Univesity of Wales Press, 1996.
Saiful Azhar Rosly, Critical Issues on Islamic Banking and Financial Markets: Islamic Economics, Banking & Finance, Investments, Takaful & Financial Planning, Dinamas – Malaysia, 2005.
Tarek El Diwany, The Problem With Interest: Sistem Bungan dan Permasalahannya, Bank Syariah Mandiri – Akbar, Jakarta, 2005.
Umer Chapra, Monetary Policy in Islamic Economy, Money and Banking in Islam, International Centre for Research in Islamic Economics, Jeddah and Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad-Pakistan, 1996.
Umer Chapra, Towards a Just Monetary System, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester – UK,1995.
Yusuf Qaradhawi, Bunga Bank Haram, Akbar Media Eka Sarana, Jakarta, 2001.
Ziauddin Ahmed, Munawar Iqbal and Fahim Khan (Editors), Money and Banking In Islam, International Center for Research In Islamic Economics, King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah and Institute of Policy Studies Islamabad, Pakistan, 1996.
Sumber :
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Turut Berduka Atas Berpulannya Seorang Ulama Besar Aceh
Turut berduka cita atas berpulangnya
Tgk. H. Abdul Hamid (Abu Uteuen Bayu)
Seorang ulama besar Aceh dalam Ilmu Tauhid
Semoga arwah almarhum di terima disisi Allah SWT dan mendapat tempat yang layak. Amiin ya rabbal’alamin
Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren (Dayah) Darul Munawwarah Kuta Krueng, Uleegle, Kecamatan Bandar Dua, Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Tgk. H. Usman Ali atau lebih dikenal dengan sapaan Abu Kuta mengatakan, kini di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) kembali kehilangan seorang ulama besar.
Ulama kharismatik Aceh, Abu Kuta menyampaikan hal itu saat memberikan sambutannya pada upacara pemakaman Pimpinan Dayah (Pondok) Pesantren Darul Falah dan Dayah Manbaul Ulum Uleegle, Kecamatan Bandar Dua, Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Tgk. H. Abdul Hamid,88, dengan sapaan akrabnya Abu Uteuen Bayu, Jumat (1/8).
Menurut Abu Kuta, dengan meninggalnya Abu Uteuen Bayu berarti di Provinsi Aceh kembali kehilangan seorang ulama besar di bidang ilmu tauhid, yang sangat sulit akan ada pengganti selevel almarhum di zaman sekarang. Karenanya, kata Abu Kuta, semua komponen warga Aceh merasa sangat berduka.
Abu Uteuen Bayu, salah seorang ulama kharismatik Aceh terkenal sangat vokal dalam memperjuangkan Islam dan kepentingan masyarakat Islam di Provinsi Naggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), telah dipanggil menghadap Sang Khaliq Allah SWT, Jumat (1/ dini hari sekira pukul 05.00.
Pimpinan dua Pondok Pesantren putra dan putri di Uleegle, Bandar Dua, Pidie Jaya, yang selama hayatnya menetap di Desa Uteuen Bayu, Uleegle, selain pimpinan Pondok Pesantren, juga sebagai khatib tetap Masjid Besar Al-Istiqamah, Ibukota Kecamatan Bandar Dua (Uleegle) menghembuskan nafas terakhir di rumah kediamannya karena menderita penyakit ketuaan atau sesak nafas.
Jenazah almarhum, setelah dimandikan dan dikafani di rumah duka Desa Uteuen Bayu, Uleegle, Bandar Dua, selanjutnya hari itu juga dikebumikan halaman rumah kediamannya.
Tersiarnya berita duka tentang berpulangnya ke Rahmatullah Tgk. H. Abdul Hamid, sehingga membuat sekitar lima ribuan warga Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Pidie, Bireuen, Kota Lhokseumawe dan Aceh Utara serta sekitarnya berduyun-duyun mendatangi rumah duka di Uteuen Bayu.
Di antaranya yang hadir melayat Pimpinan Himpunan Ulama Daerah Aceh (HUDA), Tgk. H. Ibrahim Bardan lebih dikenal Abu Panton, unsur Muspida Kabupaten Pidie Jaya, Muspida Pidie, Bireuen, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh Utara, yang diserta jajaran pejabat teras seperti Sekdakab Pidie Drs. H. Lukman, Sekdakab Pidie Jaya Ramli Daud, SH, MM, Ketua MPU Pidie, Ketua MPU Pidie Jaya.
Pengamatan Waspada, sejak pagi sekira pukul 06.00 warga sudah tumpah ruah ke kediaman almarhum. Semua warga yang melayat tidak ketinggalan melaksanakan fardhu kifayah shalat jenazah yang dimulai pukul 10:00, selanjutnya dikebumikan pada pukul 11.00. Shalat jenazah untuk almarhum dilakukan masyarakat dan santri dari berbagai pondok pesantren, secara bergantian.
Bagi masyarakat Provinsi Aceh khususnya Kabupaten Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Bireuen, Lhokseumawe dan Aceh Utara, sosok Tgk. H. Abdul Hamid (Abu Uteuen Bayu) sangat dikenal, karena beliau sangat tegas dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan Islam. Tidak mengherankan beliau secara tegas dan terang-terangan mengharamkam kaum perempuan menggunakan celana panjang dan mengharamkan kaum laki-laki menggunakan emas.[waspada]
Monday, August 04, 2008
Pertamina Impor 'Crude' Dari Aljazair
Kapanlagi.com - PT Pertamina (Persero) menjajaki impor minyak mentah (crude) antara 10.000-50.000 barel per hari dari Aljazair.
Kepala Komunikasi Pertamina Wisnuntoro di Jakarta, Jumat (1/8) mengatakan, keputusan itu merupakan hasil kesepakatan bersama (MoU) antara Pemerintah Indonesia dan Aljazair.
"Kami akan lanjutkan pembicaraan secara bisnis," katanya.
MoU tersebut ditandatangani Rabu (30/7) bersamaan dengan kedatangan Menteri Perminyakan Aljazair Chakib Khelil yang juga Presiden OPEC ke Indonesia.
Menurut Wisnun, volume impor itu digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kilang Pertamina yang mencapai 350 ribu barel per hari.
Direktur Utama Pertamina Ari Soemarno mengatakan, beberapa tahun lalu, Pertamina pernah membeli "crude" dari Aljazair. "Hanya saja "crude" mereka terlalu ringan dan harganya pun mahal karena tingginya biaya angkut," katanya.
Tahun 2002, Pertamina pernah mengimpor minyak mentah sebanyak 10 juta barel dari Sonatrach yang merupakan perusahaan minyak milik Pemerintah Aljazair.
Impor itu memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan Kilang Plaju dan Balikpapan.
Sumber : Kapan Lagi.com
Wanted Extra Ordinary Teachers
Sekolah Cikal, an established National Plus School and a
preauthorized school for Primary Years Programme (PYP) of
International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), are seeking Extra
Ordinary Teachers.
If you have these qualities of Cikal 5 Stars Competencies:
v Broadminded and Physically Sound
v Emotionally, Spiritually and Morally Rich
v Involved and Empowering Member of just, Sustainable, and
Peaceful Global Society
v Skillful and an Effective
v Self-regulated Learner
Join us for the following teacher positions:
- Kindergarten
- Primary
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Physical Education
- Language & Literature
- Religion of Islam
- Religion of Christian
- Religion of Hindu
We are looking for someone who has genuine interest and plan to
pursue a long term career in education.
- Male & Female
- Min. Bachelor Degree (S-1) from a reputable university with
a relevant background with minimum GPA 3,00 in scale 4,00
- Able to communicate in oral and written English with
minimum official TOEFL score 550
Please submit the CV to our booth:
Date : Thursday-Friday, August 7-8, 2008
Time : 08.00 – 18.00 WIB
Venue : Library Front Yard UNJ
Workshop Program
Please come to our workshop program. The schedules are below:
1. Topic : Inquiry Based Learning
Date : Thursday, August 7, 2008
Time : 10.00 – 12.00 WIB
Venue : (TBA)
(This workshop is open for other UNJ faculties.)
2. Topic : Inquiry Based Learning
Date : Friday, August 8, 2008
Time : 10.00 – 12.00 WIB
Venue : (TBA)
(This workshop is only open for PPL student programme
from PAUD UNJ.)
Only short listed candidates will be notified for interview
Best Regards,
Vidia Kusumasari
Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa orangtua Bimbing Terpadu (YAAB-ORBIT) adalah lembaga non profit yang menyelenggarakan program beasiswa bantuan biaya studi kepada pelajar/mahasiswa yang berprestasi namun memiliki kendala dalam biayai pendidikannya.
Jumlah beasiswa bantuan biaya studi perbulan selama 1 tahun;
1. Jenjang SMU/sederajat sebesar Rp. 60.000
2. Jenjang Akademi/S-1 sebesar Rp. 100.000
Syarat-syarat Menjadi Penerima beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT adalah sbb :
1) Memiliki keterbatasan dalam biaya pendidikan
2) Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari lembaga pemberi beasiswa lain
3) Minimal duduk di kelas II SMU/sederajat dengan rata-rata nilai raport persemester minimal 7.00
4) Minimal duduk di semester III dengan IPK minimal 2.75 (jurusan eksakta) dan IPK minimal 3.00 (jurusan non eksakta)
5) Aktif di kegiatan Intra dan atau ektra sekolah/kampus
6) Bersedia memenuhi kewajiban serta berperan aktif dalam kegiatan YAAB-ORBIT Pusat maupun YAAB-ORBIT Perwakilan di daerah masing-masing
Cara Menjadi Penerima Beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT adalah dengan MENGIRIM SURAT PERMOHONAN berisi profile pelamar, latarbelakang & kondisi ekonomi keluarga, alasan pengajuan beasiswa dan dilengkapi dokumen-dokumen sbb :
1) Formulir beasiswa yang telah diisi lengkap dan disyahkan/di- stempel oleh pihak sekolah/kampus (Formulir bagian belakang)
2) Foto copy raport/IP per-semester (mulai dari sem. 1 s.d sem. terakhir diterima)
3) Surat keterangan kurang mampu dari Rt setempat
4) Foto copy KTP (kartu pelajar, jika belum memiliki KTP)
5) Foto copy KK (kartu keluarga)
6) Slip gaji (jika orangtua PNS/Karyawan Swasta) atau surat keterangan penghasilan orangtua yang disahkan oleh RT, bisa digabung dengan surat keterangan tidak mampu, (jika orangtua buruh lepas/wiraswasta dll).
7) Foto terbaru ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 3 lembar
8) Data-data yang dapat menjadi penunjang antara lain : foto copy sertifikat pelatihan, piagam penghargaan dll.
Seleksi penerima beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT 2008/2009 dilakukan oleh:
1) Team seleksi Perwakilan YAAB-ORBIT; (waktu dan tempat seleksi ditentukan oleh perwakilan dimana pelamar beasiswa menjalani studi)
2) Team seleksi YAAB-ORBIT Pusat; mulai bulan September 2008
Untuk memperoleh formulir beasiswa serta informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pengajuan permohonan beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT dapat menghubungi :
1) Perwakilan YAAB-ORBIT daerah dimana pelamar menjalani studi
2) Sekretariat YAAB-ORBIT Pusat
d.a : Gd. The Habibie Center
Jl. Kemang Selatan No. 98 Jakarta 12560
Telp/Fax : (021) 788 4 6927
(021) 684 9 5690 / 0812 8062904 (Betty)
0813 10594000 (Muji)
Email : yaaborbitpusat@ yahoo.com
ym : bsuryaningsih / mbunga_2
Bagi pelamar beasiswa YAAB-ORBIT dari wilayah Bengkulu, DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, NTT, Maluku, Papua, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Bogor dan Banten, permohonan beasiswa [Formulir & persyaratannya] dapat dikirim langsung ke alamat sekretariat YAAB-ORBIT Pusat paling lambat tanggal 30 Agustus 2008.
YAAB-ORBIT juga membuka kesempatan bagi siapasaja yang berkeinginan untuk menyalurkan sebagian dananya untuk membantu pendidikan anak-anak Bangsa melalui YAAB-ORBIT.